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Aida's Profil

What's up everybody, lemme tell you about my self. My name's Aida Zahrotunnisa. Just 'aida' is fine. I am from Kuningan, West Java exactly. I am 18 years old. I am green addicted (even my stuff on that photo is full of pink). I do like travelling, shopping, and looking for some experience. Yeah, sometimes it makes me wastful but don't you know satisfiying our self is the best way for healing our hurted heart.

I've got much great experience a year ago, after graduating from senior high school I didn't get to the college directly, because state universities rejected me. and I lost my mind that's why I chose for going to Pare a.k.a "English Village". I improved my english during 7 months. I felt it doesn't enough for me, so I decided to go to Bali for applying for Job and practice my speaking to the real foreignr. for the first, I got confused because their speaking was too fast for me, but yeah everything's well. I could through it. Just a month I survived at Bali. I had to go home cause I was sick and I needed to get treatment. This year I tried to join UMM's test for getting next study. and very thankful cause I was accepted. oke, that's all. happy to share it! see yaaa..

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